Imagine13. Nov. 20201 Min. Lesezeit 3D-printed facade knot featured in magazine fassadentechnikOur 3D-printed facade knot is not only discussed online but found its way to printed magazines as well. German magazine "fassadentechnik"...
Imagine13. Mai 20203 Min. LesezeitONLINE EVENT : 3D-printed facade knot at NextStudioAs the initial presentation of our 3D-printed facade knots on March 26 has been cancelled because of Corona we had been working with our...
Imagine20. Feb. 20202 Min. Lesezeit3D-printed facade knot at NextStudioDuring this years "5th FACHDIALOG FASSADENPLANUNG" on March 26, we will present the first full-size mock-up of a facade element with 3D...
Imagine29. Jan. 20202 Min. LesezeitFacade Session @ NextStudioYesterday was another great event in Frankfurt based NEXT Studio. We had very interesting talks on architecture, sustainability in...