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Creating a Facade BIM-Model using Rhino, RhinoInside and Revit

For one of our projects we were asked to deliver a native Revit BIM-Model of a facade. To be able to make use of the flexibility of Rhino3D and all our already custom developed plugins we developed a new toolset that allows us to easily transfer 3D-Objects, Attributes and other specifications like materials and transformations to Revit without Breaking Revit Elements hierarchy.

First we developed some smaller tools to speed up the creation of 3D-Facade-Elements as linked external blocks and to attach materials and attributes to them.

Second step is exporting all block definitions as single files, reimport them into Revit as families and set the given attributes and materials. Last step is transforming the entities of the families to space to assemble the digital facade.

The tools were mainly developed as Plugins in C# for the Rhino-processes and as C#-components in grasshopper as part of RhinoInside within Revit.

Watch the video on Vimeo or youtube:

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