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Merry Christmas and thanks

As this weird year 2020 comes to an end we would like to say thanks. First of all to our staff as they have done a great job, kept our office running no matter we had to struggle with lockdowns, technical problems when working from home and not seeing each other in person for quite while. Thank you! Big thanks as well to our friends, partners and colleagues for supporting us and mutual exchange in dealing with this crisis.

And last but not least we'd like to thank our clients who trust in our work. We will manage this tough times together and we are looking forward for exciting new projects 2021 coming ahead! But the biggest thanks goes out to all people out there helping to keep our system and society going: all medical staff, fire departments, police, politicians, researchers on vaccine and all other I forgot to mention. Without you dealing with the crisis day by day we'd be screwed....

Although it somewhat feels weird to wish you a merry christmas and a good start into 2021 we think that just now is the right time for all of us to get some rest together with our relatives and beloved ones. Stay healthy and hope to see you in person again next year!

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